Corporate Governance
The Board of Directors of SEnterpriSYS Limited (SEnterpriSYS or the Company) is responsible for the corporate governance of the Group. The Board guides and monitors the business and affairs of SEnterpriSYS on behalf of shareholders by whom they are elected and to whom they are accountable.
The Board has reviewed and approved all charters, codes and policies referred to in these Guidelines. These documents may, at the descretion of the Board, be amended or updated.
All enquiries and correspondence regarding shareholdings should be directed to:
Narelle Lynch
Tel: +61 7 3040 4939
PO Box 16, Sherwood QLD 4075
The following documents constitute SEnterpriSYS's current Corporate Governance Guidelines:
- Corporate Governance Statement
- Audit and Risk Committee Charter
- Board Charter
- Continuous Disclosure Policy
- Remuneration Committee Charter
- Securities Dealing Policy
- Shareholder Communication Policy